
The Illinois Traction Society proudly announces the release of the Harvey Laner video:

Illinois Terminal: The Documentary

This excellent production covers the history of the Illinois Traction System and successor company Illinois Terminal from the 1930’s up to 1958. The one hour and 48-minute film is of rare black and white and color footage, well narrated, as the history of the railroad unfolds with the passenger and freight service development until the demise of main line passenger service in 1956 and suburban service in 1958.

The movie is available for $29.00 plus $5.00 postage.  Please make check or money order payable to the Illinois Traction Society and send to:

Dale Jenkins
264 Victoria Ave.
Decatur, IL 62522-1835

Harvey  Laner DVD
Illinois Terminal: The Documentary

John Howard Videos: The Diesel Era 1980
Northern District
Set A:     52 Minutes
Allentown to Springfield on Train 201
ICRR Kenney to Spaulding Train 201

Set B:     53 Minutes
Morton to Midland City Train 201
The Secondary Line to ICRR Mt. Pulaski

Set C:     43 Minutes
Train 201 on Secondary to Springfield: Filmed On Board
Central and Eastern District
Set D:     50 minutes
The East Local Decatur to Urbana
Southern District
Set E:     41 Minutes
McKinley Road Job at Maryville-Mont-Wood River-Federal
Monterey Coal Train-Leclaire-Edwardsville Leclaire
McKinley Road Job: Edwardsville to Federal  

Set F:     37 Minutes
N&W Inspection Train Granite City to Federal
McKinley Road Job Wanda-Federal-Wood River

Set G:     50 Minutes
McKinley Road Job: Troy to Federal-Wood River and Federal Shops
A&E Line Granite City to Wood River

Set H:     53 Minutes
McKinley Road Job on Maryville Hill, Leclaire-Edwardsville, Wood River, Federal Yard-Alton Riverton-East Belt-Springfield, Nilwood, Carlinville
Miscellaneous Videos
Set J:     25 Minutes
The Federal Shops/Granite City-A O Smith Yard/Lang Engine Terminal Tour

Set K:    49 Minutes
The Various Road Jobs

Set L:     49 Minutes
The Various Switching Scenes

Each set is $29.00 and add $5.00 for either one or two sets for postage and packaging.  Make out check or money order to the Illinois Traction Society and send to:

Dale Jenkins
264 Victoria Ave.
Decatur, IL 62522-1835

For any questions, please contact Dale Jenkins, (217) 413 6605 or

ITS 2025 Color Calendar

What better way to welcome in the new year than with the help of an Illinois Traction Society year 2025 Color monthly wall calendar?  This 11X17 calendar is printed on high quality, semi-gloss finished paper and features 14 full page scenes of vintage color and black & white Electric, Diesel and Steam operations system wide.  To help you capture the spirit of a by-gone era, each photo is captioned with an insight to the operation of the Illinois Traction and Illinois Terminal systems.  And, the end of calendar "mystery photo" will surely prompt a chuckle.

For your convenience, each month notes the holidays, with space provided for daily personal notes and IT historical events with a variety of color IT advertising slogans and logos to highlight the calendar.  In addition, almanac data such as the monthly moon phases, spring/fall time and seasonal changes are noted..  Dedicated solely to the preservation of Illinois Terminal history...a gift that keeps giving all year long!!

As a special web page discount, the calendar is offered for $14.95 postpaid ($15.95 retail value). There is no limit to the number of calendars you can order at this price and all proceeds return to the society.

To order your calendar(s), make out check or money order to the Illinois Traction Society and send to:

Dale Jenkins
264 Victoria Ave.
Decatur, IL 62522-1835

Print 2025 Calendar Order Form

2025 Calendar Cover
2025 Cover

Jauary 2025
January 2025

March 2025
March 2025

December 2025
December 2025

Web Special --> $ 14.95 each Postpaid


IT Campaign Buttons Available

The campaign button to commemorate the 36th Annual Meet held in Monticello, Illinois is 3 X 2-inch rectangular button and features car 284 at the Monticello station. The button is available for $3.00 each; postpaid.

IT 2023 Meet Button
2023 Monticello Campaign Button

The campaign button to commemorate the 34th Annual Meet held in Bloomington, Illinois is 3 X 2-inch rectangular button and features car 280 on the south side of Bloomington. The button is available for $3.00 each; postpaid.

2021 Bloomington Campaign Button
2021 Bloomington Campaign Button

2018 Litchfield Campaign Button
2018 Litchfield Campaign Button

At the 31st Annual Meet, LaSalle, Illinois, a campaign button to commemorate the event was issued to attendees. The button is 3 by 2 inches and features the color artwork of the DePue Station-Substation. The button is available for $2.50 each; postpaid.

2017 Illinois Valley Campaign Button
2017 Illinois Valley Campaign Button

At the 30th Annual Meet, Decatur, Illinois, a campaign button to commemorate the event was issued to attendees. The button is 3 by 2 inches and features the color artwork of the 30th anniversary logo. The button is available for $2.50 each; postpaid.

2016 Campaign Button
2016 Decatur Campaign Button

At the 26th Annual Meet, Bloomington, Illinois, a campaign button to commemorate the event was issued to attendees. The button is 3-1/4 by 2-1/4 inches and features the scene of the Bloomington Illinois Traction System station, in color, with a black border. The button is available for $2.50 each; postpaid.

2012 Campaign Button
2012 Bloomington Campaign Button

At the 25th Annual Meet, IRM-Union, Illinois, a campaign button to commemorate the 25thth anniversary of the Illinois Traction Society was issued to attendees. The button is 2-3/4 inches and features the ITS 25th anniversary logo and lettering in black with white background.  The button is available for $2.50 each; postpaid.

2011 Campaign Button
2011 IRM Campaign Button

At the 24th Annual Meet in St. Louis, Missouri, a campaign button to commemorate the 100th anniversary of service into St. Louis was issued to attendees. The button is 2-3/4 inches and features the ITS logo and lettering in dark green with a crème color background.  The button is available for $3.00 each; postpaid.

2010 St. Louis Campaign Button
2010 St. Louis Campaign Button

At the 23d Annual Meet, the three-inch “campaign button” featured a drawing of motor 241 in green on yellow stock  The button is available for $3.00 each; postpaid.

2009 Staunton Campaign Button
2009 Staunton Campaign Button

At the 22nd Annual Meet, the three-inch “campaign button” featured a modified version of the St. Louis & Alton Logo in red with white lettering.  The button is available for $3.00 each postpaid.

Alton Campaign Button
Alton Campaign Button

At the 21st Annual Meet, the “campaign button” highlighted the Peoria 100th anniversary with passenger motor.  The button is available for $3.00 each postpaid.

Peoria Campaign Button
Peoria Campaign Button

At the 20th Annual Meet a new style badge was introduced in the form of an old fashion “Campaign Button”.  The 2½ inch oval shaped orange button bears the black “Illinois Terminal Railroad System” oval emblem and is available for $3.00 each postpaid.

ITC Campaign Button
ITC Campaign Button

To order any of the campaign buttons, make check or money order payable to Illinois Traction Society and send to:

Dale Jenkins
264 Victoria Ave.
Decatur, IL 62522-1835

Please note in your order which campaign button(s) are desired.  All receipts are earmarked to help offset the cost of the Annual Meet.


Home movies…..everyone enjoys them, but especially if the subject is of our favorite railroad!   From the cameras of William Janssen and Dr. Howard Blackburn comes scenes at its best of electric railroading.  In 1990, the society took on a project to create a video of Illinois Terminal operations.  With this, both William Janssen and Dr. Howard Blackburn granted permission to the Illinois Traction Society to transfer film to video and produce a product for sale to benefit the Illinois Traction Society.  Both tapes have been edited, captioned and are now available on DVD.  The William Janssen film is black and white and covers the system and branch lines from 1935 to 1937.  Dr. Blackburn covered the system in color from 1952 to 1954.  Each DVD is $18.00, postpaid.

To order your DVD(s), make out check or money order to the Illinois Traction Society and send to:

Dale Jenkins
264 Victoria Ave.
Decatur, IL 62522-1835

Tales of the Terminal
By Dale Jenkins and Frank Nagy

What better source of stories and tales from a by-gone railroad than from the employees.  In 1970, twenty-two employees were interviewed in search of information about the various aspects of the railroad operation, and from these interviews’ stories were told that can not be found anywhere else.  A view of lifestyle not to be found on any railroad today, when pulling pranks and incidents of the time would have a humorous turn.

“These stories look at railroad life when it still had humor.”
Dale Jenkins

The book is perfect-bound, soft cover, eighty pages of interesting stories, with color photos, from those that created them.  This is a project of the Illinois Traction Society with the purpose of generating revenue towards the continued operation of this organization.  This will make a unique gift for the IT railfan in your life.  Sit down with your favorite beverage, curl up in your easy chair, and step back into a time past as you enjoy the stories and tales.

To order, mail check or money order payable to Illinois Traction Society: $19.95 plus $5.00 for postage per book.

Illinois Traction Society
264 Victoria Ave.
Decatur, IL 62522


“The history we search for is found in the men and women that created it”

Being an employee of the IT and an IT railfan, I have had the good fortune to have the opportunity to listen to the stories of what it was like “back in the good ole days.” I started recording these conversations between 1982 and 2005 as these voices were starting to be silenced with their passing. Not wanting these voices to be lost to the ages, I have transcribed the interviews and created a format of history by subject, ranging from 1940 to 1981. This could be considered as a reference manual of operating the railroad, noting that not all subjects will be listed. Allow me to introduce you to these “voices” that although deceased, made this publication possible.

The CD consists of 494 pages of 44 topics covering general, freight, and passenger operations, data on various classes of equipment, structures, with a variety of drawings. The Register of Freight Equipment details the freight and work equipment, car series, builder dates, length, capacity, car data, and assignment and a roster of steam, electric, and diesel equipment. The Roster of Stations is an entire system list of stations by division and an alphabetically listed section, listing the station distance, and information about most locations. In addition, a roster of substations, interlockers and block signals. The Plat Maps are a complete set of 1927 system blueprint maps showing distances from each siding of the Electric Division.

The PDF format allows easy access to the pages starting at the Master Index of Subject to the Index of specific information titles.  A useful reference source for both modeler and historian the cost is $15.00 plus $5.00 for postage and padded envelope.

To order your CD, make out check or money order to the Illinois Traction Society and send to:

Dale Jenkins
264 Victoria Ave.
Decatur, IL 62522-1835

Dale Jenkins Railroad Research Logo

Researched and Developed by Dale Jenkins

After eight years of research, Dale Jenkins has compiled information of every rail line that was built or chartered but not built in the State of Illinois. This compilation lists the corporate heritage, station, mile post, distance, county, rail crossings, trackage rights, abandonments and miscellaneous information. Non-built lines are listed by corporation and proposed routes. The information is cross-referenced by city, county, corporation and chronological listing of functioning companies. This effort reflects 1,067 pages covering 1,217 railroad corporations for 431 routes and streetcar systems. This is in addition to the 1,679 railroads incorporated but failed to be placed in operation.

This information is in PDF format on CD and shipped postpaid.  $15 check or money order payable to:

Dale Jenkins;
264 Victoria Ave.
Decatur, IL 62522

The Illinois Terminal Spotter's Guide
Volume One: The Diesels

- An 84-page book detailing data of the locomotive fleet, their paint schemes, photographs and drawings.  The companion CD features color images of the locomotives.  Only $15.00 plus $5.00 postage and envelope.

Currently Available!  To order your Spotter's Guide(s), make out check or money order to the Illinois Traction Society and send to:

Dale Jenkins
264 Victoria Ave.
Decatur, IL 62522-1835


The yellow T-Shirt sports the Illinois Terminal Railroad System logo on the front and the system map on the back in green color... Any size, $20.00 plus $3.00 for Postage.  Contact:

Dal Cook
203 Woodhaven Drive
Lexington, N. C.  27295
(336) 207-5975
Paypal, credit cards, checks, and money orders accepted.
Future releases are a Class C advertisement and the SD39.

Hot (IT) Diesel Action!

ITS member Mike Schafer has launched a new series of picture CDs called "Slides With Mike Schafer," and his newest CD set spotlights the IT. "The Diesel Era of the Illinois Terminal Railroad" features over 100 vibrant, sharp, colorful images of IT hot diesel action, from the mid-1960s to the end of the IT in 1981. Unlike other picture CDs, the photos are grouped into sections with introductory text, and the photos themselves are arranged in order, with each one featuring a short caption. These picture CDs are intended for CD-R-compatible players and are ideal for digital projectors or those big-screen TVs that are becoming standard in every home. Or, the CD can be view on your PC or Mac using Photo Viewer (PC) or Preview or iPhoto (Mac).Price is $19.95 plus $2 for postage and handling per order.

Send check or money order to White River Junction Productions, P.O. Box 129, Lee, IL 60530. Mike advises that he is not quite yet ready to accept credit cards but is working on it. By the way, his first release was "Growing Up With The Milwaukee Road," with about 75 images; this picture CD is available for $17.95 plus $2 P&H. The Milwaukee Road CD is proving to be very popular, and he has had to do four runs of this title. You may order both titles and the $2 will cover the P&H of both. Coming soon, "Growing Up With The Chicago & North Western."

Mike Schafer's Diesel Era of the IT
The Diesel Era of The Illinois Terminal Railroad

Streetcar History of
Kewanee and Galva, Illinois
Now Available!

The late Fred Rozum, a long-time, charter member of the Illinois Traction Society, has completed a history of the Kewanee, Illinois streetcar system (1903-1935), which also operated an interurban to nearby Galva, Illinois, from 1906 to 1932.  Fred completed the text late in 2007, but he was unable to complete the placement of pictures and the final details of publication before his death in April of 2008.  The Kewanee Historical Society, which had supplied Fred with information and pictures, finished the book and provided for its publication.

The Kewanee streetcar story is Fred’s third full-length book.  His first, published in 1999, was about the electric railways of Bloomington-Normal, where he grew up and graduated from high school in 1943 and Illinois State University after service in World War II.  His other book was The Peoples Traction Company, an interurban between Galesburg and Abingdon from 1901 to 1925, published in 2006.

Streetcars of Kewanee and Galva, Illinois is based on four years of research by Fred that included looking at over 30 years of the Kewanee Star Courier on microfilm.  Through interlibrary loan Fred was able to do the newspaper research in Phoenix, Arizona, where he and his wife Joyce had lived for many years.

Streetcars of Kewanee and Galva is a paperback book of 100 pages printed in 8 by 11 inch format.  The book includes over 50 black and white pictures, several maps and charts, including a detailed description of all the rolling stock, and a list of virtually all streetcar employees.

The book is available for shipment from the publisher, Kewanee Historical Society.  The cost is $16 including sales tax plus $3 for postage and handling ($19 total).  For each additional book the total cost is just $17 ($16 for the book and $1 for shipping).  To order make checks payable to Kewanee Historical Society at 211 N. Chestnut St., Kewanee IL 61443. For more information about the book and author visit the society’s website  If any question email the curator at

Also available the last few remaining copies of
People's Traction Company Galesburg to Abingdon, 1901-1925”, the story of one of the lesser known interurbans in Illinois and a property owned by the Illinois Traction System.  The line started as an independent and after 1913 was part of the Illinois Traction and later, Illinois Power & Light Company.  Many pictures, maps, rosters and timetable; 29 pages, soft cover $7.50 plus $2.50 postage.

Kewanee & Galva Car
Kewanee & Galva Railway Company

Fred & Joyce Rozum in 2005
Fred & Joyce Rozum in 2005

Robert West, one of America's top railroad illustrators, has unveiled two of his newest paintings, reflecting operations on the Illinois Terminal Railroad.  “On Time…All the Time” is a scene depicting a northbound 2-car streamliner, crossing over Route 66, at Springfield, Illinois.  A 1953 Corvette emerges from beneath the overpass.  An ironic twist is incorporated in the adjacent billboard sign.

The painting “Encounter at Illiopolis“, depicts the eastbound “City of Decatur” streamliner, passing over the Route U. S. 36 overpass, at Illiopolis, Illinois.  A “Sunshine Dairy” Divco delivery truck driver exchanges a friendly wave, with motorman Ray Reed.  On the adjacent Wabash mainline a passenger locomotive is pulling a freight train on a “break-in run” after repairs en-route back to Decatur.

Click Here for
Order Information!

On Time... All the Time

Encounter at Illiopolis


How many Belt Lines were proposed at Danville...?  Who was Katherine Wilson...?  Why was the diesel fleet painted in the "Oval" paint schemes in the mid-1960s...?  What equipment comprised the IT’s Navy and why...?  During the mid-1970s and the excessive high inflation, why did the IT have record profits...?  What is a Dale Jenkins...?  Questions to ponder; well, almost some questions.  Yet the answers, more data, and more facts can be found in the newly released book of The Illinois Terminal Railroad: The Road of Personalized Services.  The book features the history beginning with the Illinois Traction in 1901, to the end of the Illinois Terminal in 1981.  The history covers the operations of the Electric, Steam and Diesel eras, the obscure events of history, and the people that made the railroad uniquely "The Road of Personalized Services".

The book is hard bound including dust jacket with 328 pages, printed on 100 pound paper, with both black & white and 140 pages of color photographs, and features maps to help better understand the complexity of this unique railroad.  The quality and details to perfection of this publication will further enhance the enjoyment and pride of ownership, whether one is an IT fan or a fan of railroading in general.

Cover for The Illinois Terminal Railroad: The Road of Personalized Service

White River Productions

©Illinois Traction Society, This Page Updated February 2, 2025